Stop Worrying About Why Your Friends & Family Dont Support Your Business
I’m sure this is not the first time you have ever read or heard someone say this, but it’s one of the realest things to consider when going into business for yourself.
No matter what business or project I was working on I’ve always poured my heart into it. Whether it was designing and selling t-shirts in high school, shooting and editing my own YouTube series or curating & hosting events, Id always take pride in my work and couldn’t wait to see & hear the response from my peers. Yet, when time came to release said project, sell tickets or clothing, oftentimes those close to me were silent.
Don’t get it twisted, this is not a post about being salty or bitter, but rather a lesson in remembering to focus on what you have vs what you don’t have.
I remember vividly coming to realize this during a past Nomarama Slider Competition. The event was sold out, there were hundreds of people in attendance, the vibe was set and people were having a blast! But as I walked the crowd MC’ing I kept my eye out for “friends”. With the exception of a select few, majority of the people who were in attendance were complete strangers. Strangers who didn’t really know me, but strangers who just knew of me and supported the brand and my ideas!
In entrepreneurship you must remember friends and family don't pay your bills, and people who don't share your career ambition or background simply may not understand what you're doing.
Sure it’s easy to obsess over who buys your product/services or supports you on social media, but you’ll soon realize that by continuing to do that you are spending mental capacity on something that would never yield tangible results in your business. Even when times may get tough or you might start to question if what you are doing is meaningful or leaving an impression, you never really know who is watching and supporting you. Whats meant to be yours will be yours and those who are there to support you will support you… case in point, this is a recent message I received from one of my supporters, it blew me away and brought me to tears.
You Never know who is watching.
Those who are there to support you will support you.
Moral of the story, be you, do you, be honest, be real & stay focused on what it is that you want.
As the old saying goes, “build it and they will come”.
We gone be alright!